The Honor Roll 2020
Those that honor Martha by doing something in her memory!
October 3rd, 2020 Susan G Komen Race for the Cure - Houston, TX (Virtual)
Jim Hammelman
Dianne Hammelman
3.1 miles each for 6.2!
May 10th, 2020 Susan G Komen Race for the Cure - Twin Cites, MN (Virtual)
Rob Shinar
Brianna Shinar
3.1 miles each for 6.2!
June 1st - 24th, 2020 Walking for the 3-Day and Making Strides against Breast Cancer
John Shinar - 240 Miles
Lisa Shinar - 205 Miles
Hope Scannell - 20 Miles
Janet Stevens - 30 Miles
Mike Stoffel - 10 Miles
Ally Shinar - 40 Miles
Rob Shinar - 8 Miles
Brianna Shinar - 8 Miles
Marik Michalsky - 18 Miles
Lynn Shriver-Sheedy - 5 Miles
Carleton Johnson - 19 Miles
Jennifer Brinkerhoff - 19 Miles
Katie Scannell - 8 Miles